Want more money and want quickly. Marketing experts say that "creating an interesting offer." You immediately think "sale".
They wonder how much the sale should be. How much can I afford to give away before the sale starts much will it cost money? How can I complete the sale of materials so that customers can not take advantage of me? Concern at the beginning and you realize that you have a huge task to pull this sale and generate real revenue.
Unfortunately, in our crowded market, an interesting offer has become synonymous with a "sale". There are other, better alternatives to motivate customers to buy from you.
This article will show the options that you realize the goal of generating more revenue. These options build a strong relationship with customers who do not do sales.
The boundaries of the "sale"
The fundamental problem with most of the sales is good for the company, but not necessarily good for the customer.
A sale usually starts with a problem you want your customers to solve for you. You need more money. You have excess inventory. It is necessary to meet sales quotas. You want to get the goods ready for the new. Your sales on customers to solved the problems.
There will always be customers who do not mind being used. Their agenda coincides with the day.
When you create your offer on what they really, but watch your offer different. It becomes more than just a customer transaction. And "to start or continue a relationship that will lead to sales now and in the future. The most important thing for the customer is always a product or service benefits and make their lives better.
Six options and Convenience
Structure you’re offering around convenience for the customer and you have a design which does not require sales or discounts. A school for my daughter, recently, the company is a uniform for school uniforms to sell. The alternative was the mother of 30 miles by car to town to buy an equity into the company. The parents were dressed for the purchase of forty deep uniforms at regular price. This store made convenience a spur for parents to shop.
Enhance your experience
If your customers are your shopping experience, by enhancing the knowledge that gives them additional motivation to buy your product or service. Imagine you were in the copy writing activities. You communicate to its customers who had just concluded a copy writing campaign that generated thousands of dollars for a particular activity. Customers now do business with you as even more desirable. N. discounts, no sales!
Self-Esteem and Praise from other
Those who market golf equipment say the main motivation for buying customers is praise from others. "Good shot, Bob. You are really driving the ball well!" If your product or service of this type of motivation, repackage your offering to promote self-esteem and praise from others. It has more power than a sale!
Interception of Social Affairs (Idealism)
I recently worked with an acupuncture clinic. This form of Chinese medicine can cure many diseases and injuries. We chose to focus his campaign on acupuncture treatments on athletic goods damage caused by the current scandals involving the use of harmful drugs and steroids. We submitted the offer as a safe and natural alternative to harmful drugs. With the submission of an ideal alternative to current social problems, no sale or discount was applied. You can appeal to your customer idealism.
People want to be part of the "group-in." They want acceptance. By repackaging you’re offering to emphasize the popularity of your product or service you give people a reason to want to buy from your company.
The shortage is another factor that drives customers. It can be expressed in a limited quantity of a product or service, limited editions, selective lines of products, preferred customer program, limited time, or to take advantage of opportunities. There is some greed in us all. If we feel that we will lose, we have very motivated.
this article has shown that six alternatives to generate more revenue, not including a sale. When you need an attractive offer, starting with a design that drives customers to buy from you and then emphasize those reasons. You can find these reasons are as effective as a sale. They will also help build a better relationship with customers, as you do for them!
Labels: Marketing Tips